
Showing posts from April, 2021

Tulisan yang buat aku menang Best Writer DBL 2016

  What I've been talking about lately is finally here to see the bright of the daylight. Hi hi hi hiiiii Sudah lama sekali nggak nulis pake Bahasa Indonesia. Bukan, bukan karena nilainya B di transkrip, cuma emang selalu merasa lebih ekspresif dan flow nya lebih enak aja kalo pake Bahasa Inggris. Oke, jadi, less than a month ago, I wrote this post. Dan disitu aku bahas lagi soal Best Writer. Dan tanpa aku sadari, aku belom pernah sama sekali ngepost tulisan yang buat aku menang best writer di mana pun. Tulisan itu aku post di websitenya DBL Journalist Competition (yang bahkan sekarang udah ngga ada wkwk), 5 tahun yang lalu. Di post itu aku nulis:  

3 years 7 months and 17 days later

 (I legit google my 2017 academic calendar and use a time calculator to get that title. August 2017, 21)   April 7, 2021 So, today was...very emotional for me. 4 of my classmates had defended their thesis. And I am so proud of them, I couldn't even describe it. I am beyond ecstatic and happy for them finally getting the Bachelor of Education degree. Today's post might go in a very random direction, but I just want to write something.  Let me start with this photo below that I just made a few hours ago: